PRICE: $17.99

HOUSE OF SHAKIRA - Live At Firefest 2005

House of Shakira live at Firefest is a unique release from a rather unique band. The thing that set this dvd apart from so many other “so called” live dvd’s today is that this is a real live recording! It's the real thing, no overdubs except a few small repaired parts caused from audio drop-outs and errors on some of the original recorded tracks. The concert features both Andreas Eklund and Mikael Eriksson on vocals and the crowd are obviously thrilled to hear songs from all the bands records. This release is a celebration to all who still play in real bands versus the flooding market of projects out there. House of Shakira has been around for some fifteen years now and the members are still in the band for the same reason as when they started it – to play the music they hear in their heads no matter what the flavour of the year is.

This dvd is a pal dvd.